Irritable Bowel Syndrome

In irritable bowel syndrome, it is primarily the function of the colon that is disrupted. The colon makes too many or too few movements.


Irritable bowel syndrome can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, abdominal cramps, bowel movement issues, bloating, or flatulence. Certain types of food and drinks can trigger these symptoms, but many people also notice a connection with stress.



For irritable bowel syndrome, the FODMAP diet is mainly recommended. FODMAP stands for various types of carbohydrates that the small intestine cannot digest well, causing them to reach the colon undigested. That’s where the problems start. The FODMAP diet is an intensive diet that involves eliminating these FODMAPs from the diet for six weeks. After these six weeks of elimination, reintroduction takes place. During this phase, a specific group of carbohydrates is reintroduced into the diet each week. Throughout the process, symptoms are monitored. The final result is that conclusions can be drawn about which foods cause the symptoms. These can then be avoided for life.


Additionally, there are other dietary adjustments to consider. For example, the intake of sufficient fiber and fluids, eating slowly, and chewing well. There are several other points to consider to reduce symptoms.


A dietitian can help investigate which foods may trigger symptoms, how to eliminate or reduce these foods, and find a complete replacement.


Are you interested in the FODMAP diet? We would be happy to guide you through this process with tailored nutritional advice.

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