Food allergy

A food allergy is more common in infants and young children than in adults. In a food allergy, the immune system reacts abnormally strong to a protein in the diet. These proteins are also called allergens. The body recognizes the allergens as invaders and reacts with antibodies. These antibodies are released every time the allergen enters the body. The symptoms depend on where the reaction occurs in the body. These can include skin problems, eye problems, fluid retention, breathing problems, gastrointestinal issues, and cardiovascular problems.



To avoid symptoms, the allergens are eliminated from the diet. By avoiding certain foods, you may not get enough of certain nutrients. It is important that when certain foods are avoided, they are replaced with another food item. This way, you still get the necessary nutrients and the diet remains balanced. Additionally, a dietitian can provide information about the foods that contain the allergen.


Are you interested in a diet for food allergies? We are happy to provide you with tailored dietary advice.

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